Treatment Details

Fertility workup

Fertility Workup in Hubli | Fertility Doctor in Hubli

Understanding Infertility and Your Journey at Aansh IVF

Trying to conceive but facing challenges? At Aansh IVF, we know it can be a confusing and frustrating time. Many couples find it easy to conceive within a year, but if you haven’t gotten pregnant after one to two years of trying unprotected intercourse, it’s wise to get evaluated. If you are in Hubli then feel free to contact us for the best fertility workup in Hubli.

Why You Might Need Help:

There are several reasons why conception might be difficult. Sometimes, couples may conceive easily but experience miscarriages. Our team is here to identify the underlying reasons through a detailed history, scans, and tests.

Taking the First Step:

Your journey at Aansh IVF starts with a consultation. Our fertility specialist will want to understand your medical history, current health habits, and lifestyle. They may also perform a physical exam to gather a complete picture. Based on this information, they’ll recommend specific tests for you and your partner.

Knowledge is Power:

We believe in empowering you with knowledge throughout your fertility journey. Our team will explain all tests and procedures clearly and simply, in a language you understand. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect:

Initial Consultation:

  • Detailed Discussion:We’ll talk about your medical history, sexual health, and lifestyle factors that might be impacting fertility.
  • Physical Exam (if needed):The doctor may perform a physical exam to assess your overall health.
  • Personalized Testing:Based on your situation, they’ll recommend specific tests for you and your partner.

Testing for Women:

  • Hormone Check:Blood tests assess hormone levels like estrogen, FSH, AMH, LH, progesterone, and others to understand hormonal balance.
  • Ultrasound Scan:A transvaginal ultrasound provides a detailed view of your ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus, helping identify potential issues.
  • Fallopian Tube Check (HSG):An X-ray called a hysterosalpingogram checks for blockages in your fallopian tubes that might prevent fertilization.
  • Pre-pregnancy Screenings:We recommend routine blood tests for sexually transmitted infections, HIV, and other health concerns before pregnancy.
  • Additional Tests (if needed):Depending on your situation, further tests like karyotyping (chromosome analysis) or endometrial biopsy might be recommended.

Testing for Men:

  • Semen Analysis:This test evaluates sperm count, motility (movement), and morphology (shape) to assess sperm health.
  • Hormone Testing (if needed):Blood tests check hormone levels like testosterone, FSH, and LH to identify potential hormonal imbalances.
  • Advanced Sperm Testing (if needed):Additional tests like Y-chromosome microdeletion analysis or sperm aneuploidy testing might be needed in some cases.

What Happens Next:

  • Reviewing Results:Once the tests are done, we’ll schedule a follow-up appointment to discuss the results with you.
  • Diagnosis and Treatment Options:The doctor will explain the diagnosis (the reason for infertility) and discuss potential treatment options based on your specific situation.
  • Addressing Concerns:You’ll have ample time to ask questions and clarify any doubts you might have.
  • Financial Planning:A financial counselor can help you understand the costs associated with different treatment options.

Beyond Testing: Supporting Your Journey

Aansh IVF believes in a holistic approach to fertility care. In addition to medical interventions, we offer support in other ways as well:

  • Lifestyle Changes:We may recommend adjustments to your diet, exercise routine, weight management, stress management, and smoking/alcohol cessation to improve overall health and fertility potential.
  • Managing Existing Conditions:If you have co-existing medical conditions like diabetes, thyroid disorders, or PCOS, we can help you manage them effectively.
  • Addressing Gynecological Issues:We offer treatment for uterine fibroids, endometriosis, or other gynecological conditions that might be affecting your fertility.

At Aansh IVF, we’re dedicated to walking alongside you on your journey towards parenthood. With our expertise and your commitment, we can help you achieve your dream of a family.

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Beyond Boundaries: Virtual Consultations for Every Patient

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