Treatment Details


Hysteroscopy in Hubli | Gynaecologist in Hubli

Your uterus is your body’s amazing baby-making headquarters! At Aansh IVF Hospital, we understand the importance of keeping this vital organ healthy. Sometimes, however, things can go awry, leading to abnormal bleeding, infertility, or other concerns. That’s where hysteroscopy comes in – a minimally invasive procedure that lets us peek inside your uterus to diagnose and potentially treat various conditions.

What is Hysteroscopy?

Think of it like a tiny camera on a mission! A hysteroscope is a thin, flexible tube with a light and a camera on the end. This little explorer is gently inserted through your vagina and cervix, reaching the inside of your uterus. The camera transmits images to a screen, allowing your doctor to see the lining of your uterus and identify any abnormalities.

Who Needs a Hysteroscopy?

Hysteroscopy can be a helpful tool for a variety of situations, such as:

  • Heavy or Irregular Periods:Experiencing heavy, unpredictable periods, unexplained bleeding after menopause, or spotting between periods? Hysteroscopy can help find the culprit, like fibroids, polyps, or a thickened lining.
  • Trouble Getting Pregnant:If you’re facing infertility challenges, hysteroscopy can investigate potential causes like uterine septum (a dividing wall), scar tissue, or polyps.
  • Miscarriage Recovery:Following a miscarriage, hysteroscopy can check for any remaining tissue or abnormalities that may have contributed to it.
  • Heavy Bleeding Treatment:In some cases, hysteroscopy can be used for a procedure called endometrial ablation. This procedure removes or destroys the lining of the uterus to treat heavy bleeding.
  • Rare Placenta Concerns:Very rarely, hysteroscopy may be used after childbirth to examine the inside of the uterus for any leftover placental tissue.

What to Expect During a Hysteroscopy at Aansh IVF Hospital:

At Aansh IVF Hospital, your comfort is our priority. Here’s a simplified breakdown of what to expect:

  1. Prepping for the Journey:You may need to empty your bladder beforehand. Depending on the purpose of your hysteroscopy, you might receive local anesthesia to numb the cervix or general anesthesia to put you to sleep entirely.
  2. The Tiny Explorer Arrives:The sterilized hysteroscope is carefully inserted through your vagina and cervix, reaching your uterus.
  3. A Clear View:Sometimes, sterile fluid is used to gently inflate your uterus for better visualization.
  4. Examining and Treating (if needed):Your doctor will use the hysteroscope camera to examine the lining of your uterus. If necessary, tiny instruments can be inserted through the scope to take a tissue sample (biopsy) or perform other procedures like polyp removal.
  5. Mission Complete:The hysteroscope and instruments are removed, and the procedure is finished.

Recovering from Hysteroscopy:

Hysteroscopy is typically an outpatient procedure, meaning you can usually recover comfortably at home after a short observation period. You might experience some mild cramping or spotting afterwards, but this usually goes away quickly. Your doctor will provide specific instructions about recovery and any follow-up appointments.

Benefits of Hysteroscopy:

  • Minimally Invasive:Hysteroscopy avoids major surgery, offering a less invasive approach to examining the uterus.
  • Accurate Diagnosis:The clear visualization of the uterine cavity allows for accurate diagnosis of various conditions.
  • Treatment Potential:Often, hysteroscopy can be used for both diagnosis and treatment during the same procedure.
  • Faster Recovery:Compared to major surgeries, hysteroscopy offers a quicker recovery with less discomfort.

Important Considerations:

Hysteroscopy isn’t suitable for everyone. Your doctor will discuss your individual situation and medical history to determine if it’s the right option for you. There may also be alternative diagnostic tests available depending on your specific concerns.

Why Choose Aansh IVF Hospital?

At Aansh IVF Hospital, we offer comprehensive women’s healthcare services, including diagnostic hysteroscopy. Here’s what makes us stand out:

  • Experienced and Caring Team:Our team of qualified gynecologists has extensive experience performing hysteroscopy procedures with expertise and compassion.
  • Advanced Technology:We utilize state-of-the-art hysteroscopes and equipment to ensure clear visualization during minimally invasive procedures.
  • Focus on Patient Comfort:We prioritize your comfort throughout the process and address any questions or concerns you may have.
  • Personalized Care:We believe in a personalized approach to women’s health and will discuss all your options to create a treatment plan that’s right for you.

Schedule a Consultation Today:

If you’re experiencing any uterine concerns or require further evaluation, contact Aansh IVF Hospital today.

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